Saturday, June 21, 2008

Rant on Political Commentary

We get it, Media-- you think there are assloads of angry women out there, upset that Hillary Clinton did not obtain her party's nomination--and she didn't get the Democratic nomination, either. (See what I did? I just called her a Republican. Laugh.) So, what are you saying? That this was some kind of men vs. women battle that the men won? That doesn't make any fucking sense. It's just voting, and exactly half of everyone that votes is a woman. Obviously there are women that did not vote for Clinton, otherwise we'd have a stand-still that would go to the convention, not a powerful victory by the male candidate.

I know someone is going to shoot off the mouth and say something totally retarded like, "Clinton got the feminist vote, and there aren't enough feminists in this country which is why she didn't get the nomination." Fucking bullshit. Let me clear up a modern myth for all of you right now: Hillary Clinton is not a feminist. Or at least she hasn't proven to me that she is. She's an opportunist, using feminism as a tool to get votes, like the dirty snake she is. Yes, I realize that feminism still isn't incredibly popular as it should be, and that a candidate, even today, would do better for his image to keep quiet about being a feminist. Clinton, however, has the distinct problem of being female, and so embraced a faux-feminism to try (and fail) at winning the feminist vote. The problem with the argument at hand is that an actual feminist won't vote for a woman just because she's a woman--that would be sexist, not feminist, and would be antecedent to everything that feminism is. This is why I imply that Clinton is not a feminist: she accuses everyone who does not vote for or endorse her as being sexist, and claims that feminists should vote for her because she's a woman. She even tried to pull this shit on Nancy Pelosi--Nancy motherfucking Pelosi--a well-known and actual feminist (who endorsed Obama). You see, an actual feminist would ignore gender entirely when choosing a candidate rather than making gender an issue.

So, Media, stop playing the "angry women" BS, and to some of you pseudo-feminists, stop trying to tell everyone that Obama's nomination is a clear indication of a lack of feminism and/or rampant sexism in America and the work that needs to be done, when feminists like my wife and myself voted for Obama. Yes, I agree that sexism is still a problem and that work needs to be done, but Clinton's failure to get the Democratic nomination has fuck-all to do with it. She failed of her own accord, for being a poor fucking candidate--get over it.

Let's stop it with the same shit the Media spews about the "black vote." This was not a black vs. white race, either. 12% of Americans are black, and Obama won the nomination. Clearly, white folk want Obama, too. And let's make no mistake, there were white male candidates: Kucinich, Gravel, Edwards, et. al. None of them made the cut. So yes, whites want Obama. Let's not make this about race. More to the point-- I know of at least one black man who wanted to see Hillary get the nomination and is disappointed by the way things turned out.

And don't think I haven't been able to see through some of Obama's hypocrisy and politics-playing. Yeah, I'd rather see Obama as the next President over McCain or Clinton, but that doesn't mean I don't have a bone to pick with him. Obama said he wasn't about playing the "same old Washington game." He said he wasn't about "playing politics" yet he commended Clinton for her "bravery" (in running). Cut the bullshit, Obama, you are just trying to have a slice of her fan base. But I suppose people are right when they say there is no such thing as an honest politician. Or if there is, no one takes them seriously, especially as they would likely run with third parties, like Ralph Nader.

So maybe some of you, whether you're the media or not, should check your facts and your basic logic before presenting a faulty political analysis. It might make you look less stupid.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Comic Books and Revolutions

So, my friend and I are working on a comic book and posting it up at Here's the first page:

Don't worry, I won't keep updating this blog with new pages from the comic. So if you want to keep yourself updated, check out the comic at

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