Friday, January 18, 2008

Some Random Ramblings

Why don't I post blogs more often? A lack of subject matter. I quite simply don't know what to write about.

I could write up something about how whiny writers want to get paid for material viewed on the internet. I'm not a big TV-watcher though, so it doesn't really concern me.

Maybe I'll write something about Britney Spears being a nutcase. But that's already been covered. You can read about that just about everywhere. Hell, I was one of the last people to know. Don't really follow Hollywood much, you have to understand.

There's something to be said about the Presidential race, I suppose. But, what exactly? I despise the two-party system. I feel a vote for a major party is a wasted vote. A vote for a third party is a stand for change, but may ultimately be a wasted vote, as well. American politics are more saddening than anything. There are things I dislike about all of the primary candidates (particularly the Republicans-- /shudder). I particularly dislike the negative campaigning of Clinton and Romney-- that gets under my skin more than anything. Yes, you heard right-- anyone who's been paying attention to Hilary knows that she's negative campaigning against Obama. She's just much more subtle about it. I also despise her subtle implication that if you don't vote for her, you're not a feminist. No, Hilary, the reason some of us won't vote for you is because, for one reason or another, we do not consider you a worthy candidate, regardless of your gender. Thanks for the accusation, though. I mean, you don't see Obama implying that any vote that isn't for him is racist, do you? Oh, right, he took the moral high road on that one.

What else is there to write about? Well, youtube is facing the shits. Accounts are being banned for no reason, videos are being pulled for false claims of copyright, and youtube is actually paying some of its vloggers to keep vlogging, which creates a slew of problems on its own. I've noticed that more and more people are switching to myspace videos. Whatever. Still a mostly boring subject with little to write about.

Street Fighter IV is coming out. It looks badass. I love the graphical look. It's a throwback to Street Fighter II. It's like they're going back to their roots, to the true tradition of Street Fighter. Can't wait to see what SF IV has to offer.

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Blogger Goddess of War said...

The most important information to be gained from current events is, definitely, Street Fighter news.

January 24, 2008 at 9:00 AM  

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