Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Does marriage change anything in a relationship? I'd like to think that in a good one, legal marriage leaves it relatively unaffected. Sure, it's nice. It's nice to get over that little hurdle and to have all the legalities of coupleship. It's nice to celebrate and have fun-- for any reason, really.

So, yeah-- I got married recently. Here's the evidence:

Our wedding ceremony was pretty small and private. We just went to a judge with two witnesses (my father and his on-again off-again girlfriend) and got it done, and celebrated by going to dinner. That's it.

I don't disparage those who decide to have large ceremonies. Have a blast! Have a party! Do what's right for you. A large ceremony would have been fun for us, but we didn't need it. Plus we're so far from our friends and family. We can always boogie down and party later.

So what does marriage mean to me? As I've told others, I already considered us to be married for all intents and purposes. And of course, I didn't need government "confirmation" of our relationship status. It is nice, however, to have a social symbol (the ring[s]) of our marriage. I suppose we could wear the rings regardless, but it could also be a sign of legal marriage.

I don't know. Maybe I'm not thinking deeply enough about it. (Then again, perhaps I shouldn't be thinking too deeply on it.) What I do know is that I love my wife and I don't want things to change. But mostly the part about loving my wife.


Blogger Michael said...

Congrats, my friend.

I'm getting married June 7th, which will be fun. Of course, being Christian, marriage carries with it a lot of significance.

However, aside from being Christian, I think for everybody the vows of marriage under-gird a new seriousness in the relationship. "Till death do us part," is an entirely different promise and commitment than "as long as this thing works out."

And by the way, this is iaresp0rked from MySpace.

March 4, 2008 at 9:24 PM  

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